
The ABC's of STD's: Part 1 (A-L)

When getting under the umbrella topic of sex there will always be the topic of STD's and STI's. Sadly, not everyone knows the consequence of each STD and the proper treatment for it and prevention steps. Our Crimson Love reports.

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Here at GetLusty we love our readers and want you all to be happy, healthy, and sexy. We talk a lot about love and sex but not much about what happens when a person is irresponsible or the victim of an irresponsible lover. We want you to be armed with knowledge to protect yourself! Without further pause here is are the GetLusty ABC's of STD's.

AIDS (Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome)
  • Causes: Unprotected sex or sharing of hypodermic needles resulting in HIV. This breaks down your immune system and lessens T-cell (Cells that send signals to your immune system, alerting it of intruders) production.
  • Signs and Symptoms: The symptoms of AIDS are usually comparable to having a really bad flue.  
  • Treatments: There is no cure for AIDS yet, however there are medications for HIV to slow the reproduction of the virus in the body. (For more information go to or
  • Causes: Sexually transmitted when skin comes in contact with an open sore
  • Signs and symptoms: You may experience raised, puss filled bumps and painful lymph glands in the groin.
  • Treatments: Chancroid can be cured with successful treatment, in addition to stoping transmission to others and banishing symptoms. (For more information visit,
  • Causes: Sexually transmitted through unprotected sex orally, anally or vaginally. 
  • Signs and symptoms: Chlymidia is usually asymptomatic for women but when symptoms do occur they are usually burning urination or abnormal vaginal discharge. The same symptoms also occur along with the possibility of itching or swollen testicles. 
  • Treatments: This STD can be cured properly and easily with antibiotics. ( For more information visit )
Genital Warts
  • Causes: A Sexually transmitted HPV (Human Papilloma Virus) infection involving the anus, vagina, mouth or penis. 
  • Sign and Symptoms: You may see raised cauliflower looking bumps, flesh  colored spots that are raised or flat. For women you can get them inside your vagina, on your cervix in your anus or on the outside of your vagina or anus. For men,  you can get them on your penis, in or on your anus, thighs, groin or scrotum. You can also get them on your lips, mouth, tongue and throat. Also, sometime you may have warts and not see them.
  • Treatments: There are many treatment options for genital warts. They include, wart removal surgery, medication you have to take orally or apply regularly, or an in office skin treatments done by your doctor. (For more information visit,
  • Causes: Sexually transmitted from an infected person. 
  • Signs and Symptoms: It is possible for some people to have no symptoms at all. However, in men symptoms can include enlarge testicles, burning during urination and yellow, white, or green discharge. In women symptoms can be mild but,  increased levels of discharge, bleeding in between periods and burning during urination. If the infection is in the anus it can cause bloody stool, painful bowl movements or discharge. 
  • Treatments: Gonorrhea can be cured with the right medication however, the disease is developing more and more drug-resistant strains. (For more information, visit
Hepatitis A, B, C
  • Causes: While hepatitis can be caused by many other factors like alcoholism some of the strains can be transmitted sexually.
  • Symptoms: Loss of appetite, weight loss, nausea, fever, stomach pain, dark urine.
  • Treatments: Your doctor will discuss treatments depending on your condition and how advanced the disease. (For more information please visit,
  • Causes: Transmitted sexually through unprotected sexual contact, needle sharing, or occupational exposure (Anyone in the medical field should take special care and always wear gloves. Doctors, nurses, EMTs, nurses ect) Also, I feel it important to mention that Pre-exposure to other STDs can increase you susceptibility to contracting HIV because it's easier to contract with a weakened immune system. 
  • Symptoms: Usually symptoms of HIV are non-exsistent until ir progresses towards AIDS. If there any symptoms at all it feels like the worst possible flu. Muscle aches, fever, soar throat, chills, rash, fatigue, ect. 
  • Treatments: You cannot cure HIV as of yet but you can keep it in check with medications prescribed by your Dr. (For more information visit,
HPV (Genital)
  • Causes: Transmitted sexually through unprotected sex of the anus and genitals. 
  • Symptoms: Genital warts, warts in the throat and different types of cancers are symptoms of HPV. However, most people who are infected don't show any signs or symptoms. 
  • Treatments: There are vaccines available for HPV. These vaccines are used as preventative measures however, once contracted if your body cannot fight off the virus an infection will happen. HPV cannot be cured because it is a virus. Like all other viruses, if your body is strong enough it will clear itself like it does with the flue of chickenpox. (For more information )
  • Causes: Transmitted sexually from unprotected sex with a person infected with Herpes simplex virus 1 or Herpes simplex virus 2.
  • Symptoms: Usually symptoms of herpes of non-exsisten to mild and are sometimes mistaken for other skin conditions. Visible symptoms of herpes are blisters the genitals that break and become soars. Also, when a person has their first outbreak they can experience flu like symptoms.
  • Treatments: Herpes cannot be cured but you can take antiviral drugs to shorten the duration of outbreaks and transmission to others. Your doctor may also suggest taking immune builders, and keeping stress levels low to keep outbreaks to a  minimum.  (For more information visit,

  • Causes: Transmitted through sexual contact with an infected person. 
  • Symptoms: This is a bacterial infection that attacks the lymphatic system so you may get drainage from your lymph nodes, pain and/or swelling n the groin area, swelling in the labia, painful bowl movements, and blood or pus from the rectum.
  • Treatments: This is curable with the right antibiotics and care. (For more information visit,
We love our readers and want you to stay safe and healthy! Please be aware, take your sexual health serious and get regular check ups. 

With love from, GetLusty!

This is a guest post by our very own Crimson Love.

Crimson is our resident BDSM fetish expert. If you don't see Crimson out dining with her adoring boyfriend, you'll find her reading books on innovation or finance. Crimson is currently finishing off her Bachelor's, she is passionate about food, photography, music and especially sex--and she's not afraid to talk about it. With everyone!

Have story ideas? Get in touch with Crimson at

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